Restoring a TimeForce Database Backup

Use the following instructions to restore a backup of your TimeForce database.

Note:  Any new data that has been entered into the TimeForce system since the database backup was created will be lost when the backup is restored.

  1. Before you can restore a backup of the TimeForce database, you must first stop the TimeForce SQL service from running on your machine.  Double-click on the MSSQL Server icon in the System Tray (located in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, next to the time of day).  The "SQL Server Service Manager" screen opens.

  2. Ensure that the Server: field contains the network name of your computer followed by "\TIMEFORCE."

  3. Click on the [STOP] icon to stop the MSSQL Server.
     Leave this screen open on your desktop.  You will be returning to it to re-start the server once the database restoration has been completed.

  4. The entire TimeForce database is contained within two files, "Qqest_Data.MDF" and Qqest_Log.LDF."  These are the files that you should have made copies of when you backed up your database.  Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to the location where the backup files are located.
     If you backed up the database to a floppy disk, insert the disk into your floppy drive and browse to "a:\".

  5. Select both the "Qqest_Data.MDF" and "Qqest_Log.LDF" files, right-click on them, and select "Copy."  To select multiple files, hold down the <CTRL> key on your keyboard while clicking.

  6. Browse to the following location, "C:\Program Files\ Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$TIMEFORCE\Data," right-click somewhere in the background of the screen, and select "Paste."  The database files are copied.
     A dialog box may open informing you that the files you are attempting to paste already exist in this directory.  You can either click on the [YES] icon to replace the existing files, or you can select [NO] and rename the existing files before pasting.  Renaming the files ensures that none of your previous data will be lost.

  7. Once you have successfully copied and pasted the "Qqest_Log.LDF" and "Qqest_Data.MDF" files, you can exit out of My Computer or Windows Explorer.

  8. Return to the MSSQL Server screen and click on the [START\CONTINUE] icon to re-start the TimeForce SQL Server.

  9. You can now log into the TimeForce software as usual.

The User Name, Password, and Company Code used to log into the TimeForce software are stored in the program database.  If you have changed the login information since the restored backup was created, you will have to enter the old login information to access the program, and then re-modify the User Name, Password, and Company Code.