Regional Settings Requirement

The TimeForce system requires that your Windows Regional Settings be set to "English (United States)." The following error may occur (among others) if this setting is not specified correctly:

"Conversion char data type to a datetime format resulted in an out of range datetime data type."

To correct this error, set your Regional Settings to "English (United States)." This setting cannot be changed as long as TimeForce is in use.

Changing Your Windows Regional Settings

  1. From the Windows Start Menu, select "Control Panel." (or, "Start | Settings | Control Panel" depending on your version of Windows.

  2. From the Control Panel, double-click on "Regional and Language Options," or "Regional Settings" (depending on your version of Windows).

  3. A row of tabs appears at the top of the screen. Ensure that the "Regional Options" tab is selected.

  4. The first field in the Standards and Formats section of the screen allows you to select a date and time format. Ensure that "English (United States)" is selected.

  5. Click on the [OK] icon to apply any changes that you have made.